I too use to ride but that stopped after I was hit on the Belt by FramersBlvd doing 60 by a driver in a car who decided to changelanes. If it wasn't for the malpractice lawyer who was behind me and witnessthe accident I too would have been wrongly accused.
The person driver the car told the cops that I hit their car and it was myfault, the cops didn't ever ask me my side of the story until I was in thehospital hours later. Bottom line everyone lies to save their butt, even if it's a littleone. In the end that guy really help me get the settlement I deserved from theinsurance company.
Now we really don't know what the driver did before the video and sincehis wife had already called 911 from the car as the news said this morning, this was clearly a situation thatturned wrong when he ran over the guy on the bike. Now I know people panic attimes but 4 eyes are better than 2 so his wife clearly had access to at leastone license plate to report it to the police.
My opinion as to why I feel everyone loses is below
1. Now the police will be targeting bike groups.
2. Drivers will now be afraid if confronted by a group of bike riderand will do the same thing this guy did which is to run bikers over.
3. The good rider will pay the price for this in term of harassment andinsurance.
One thing I do agree with is to investigate this incident more. That guyshouldn't be able to walk free after running over someone. And just to give yousomething to think about all you hard A$$es saying it?s good that he ran overthat guy, just flip it and put a member of your family as the guy who was ran over and look howquickly you feelings will change.
It's easy to say things when your family isn't the one in the hospital in acoma.