Do you have the Xbox Live Gold membership? That's the online way to acces the multiplayer, otherwise he would have to play locally, like system link but you would need 2 systems in your house. Hope this helps.
Correct, we won't be able to play someone else online. Like I said earlier he would be able to play with someone next to him with two controllers but not online. I play a lot of multiplayer games like Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc.. I hate how Microsoft charges for online play, that's why I love my PS3. The Xbox Gold membership is around $65 per year so it's not that bad if he plays a lot. I get my money's worth since I play a few hours every other day.
with madden 2013 from what i read they took off multiplayer offline so your out of luck. that really is bad business while trying to milk online memberships....