The article does nothing to explain which tick is responsible for transmitting this virus. There are 2 ticks commonly found in our area- the black legged (Ixodes damini) which transmits Lyme and Babesiosis, and the dog tick, Dermacentor varibilis (?), which can transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I believe the Lone Star tick may be found here also. The type of tick is important- Rocky Mountain spotted fever is relatively uncommon, while its estimated that 90% of black legged ticks carry Lyme (up from less than 50% only about a decade ago.) If you pull off a black legged tick, you should seek medical immediate dose of doxycycline, only for a day or 2, can prevent Lyme. If you pull off a dog tick, there is far less cause for concern- unless, of course, it's the dog ticks carrying this new virus. The dog tick is much more widespread, and is in NYC. I've even gotten one walking in my neighborhood (Rego Park).