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I have this 3 year old coffee table that I've beat the heck out of the top in only 3 years because I'm a putz. Then I just recently - and stupidly - spilled some rubbing alcohol on it...now I have a giant milk stain right in the middle. Yay. It's solid wood too...none of that pressboard/mdf/plywood etc. 100% gorgeous ash. I was rather mad at myself. You probably heard me swearing from wherever you live when I did it.

So I'm looking for someone who is good with wood. Heh. The top needs to be sanded, re-stained/painted (the mfr calls the finish "black on ash") and then probably some sort of clear coat. The rest of the unit doesn't need work... I can live with the top being slightly different sheen than the rest. Also because...

Once it's re-finished, I'd like to get a piece of tempered glass custom cut to place on top of the table so I don't do this again the next time I put a hot pizza box on the table. Dimensions are 46 13/16 x 20 (+/- a 32nd of an inch). Obviously I'd also like the edges to have some sort of bevel, radius or otherwise finished edge, not just sharp, unfinished glass. I guess 1/4" is the minimum thickness for this...thicker is probably better.

Table cost me an arm and a fin when I got it...so I am not about to just toss it out. I spoke to someone called "FurnitureMedic" but he wanted 90% of the cost of the table...when all was said and done. So yeah. I'm not willing to spend a mortgage payment on this. I COULD re do it myself, and will if it comes to that, but I don't trust my staining abilities to come out nicely enough to satisfy my OCD.

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I just heard back from the manufacturer... This is progress...

You may be able to go into a Sherwin Williams store with a sample (perhaps bring a back panel) and they would be able to suggest an appropriate match. You can let them know that the top coat was a factory applied, pre-catalized lacquer and they should be able to give you a recommendation for an appropriate in-home application.

So there's that. Who is good with a sander and a brush?

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