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Bayside, Queens
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The other day, I was entering a highway, which had major traffic. There was a cop parked right near the entrance. I did not have my seat belt on and then he told me to pull over. I pulled over and then he asked for my registration blah blah blah. I couldn't find it at first. I should him my drivers licence and detectives PBA card. He said don't flaunt that Sh!t at me again before i take it. Well he just took my licence back to his car and then he gave me a ticket without even looking at my registration or insurance.

To the people that knows about how the city runs (lawyers, cops), please help me out here.

Is there anyway out of this?

If i plea not guilty I have to go to a hearing and everything?

Can anyone on MR help me?????


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Jamaica, Queens
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No you don't have to go to court if you plea guilty. Do youself the favor, save the aggrivation and just pay the ticket. Kind of hard to dispute a seat belt ticket because unless you're pregnant (highly unlikely) or have some sort of medical condition they won't even take into consideration what you have to say. A while back I was working on the job and a cop pulled me over for speeding. I was in in the city vehicle and it was sort of an emergency. He looked at my id, official plates, badge etc... and didn't really give a ****. I went to court positive that I'd convince the judge that my reason for speeding was legit. However, you have to keep in mind that these jodges deal with the same officers day in a nd day out so they build a relationship together whereas, you're just another sucker trying to beat a ticket, hence, they don't care. Look on the bright side, atleast you didn't get a moving violation and have points on you license :splitspin


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It's just an equipment violation no points just a fine. If you plead guilty you do not have to go to court if you plead not guilty you will have to take a day go to court and take your 50/50 chance. The judge/cop relationship is highly over rated. Most of the Traffic court judges hate cops for some reason or another. The PBA card (DEA card if it's a detective card) is a courtesy card and does not have to be honored, however it often is. It can be removed by any police officer and given back to the cop whi issued it. Even tho they pay for it it belongs to the PBA and can be removed at any time. The officer does not need to see your registration or insurance card if he has a computer in the car to run your information but also keep in mind he could have given you 3 summonses instead of 1. 1 summons for fail to produce registration, 1 for Uninsured vehicle and 1 for seatbelt and it is up to you to go to the courts and show the proper paperwork.


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Don't bother fighting this ticket. You will not win. I tried to fight a double parking ticket on alternate side parking day. No luck. The cop was an ass since I was the only one on the block that got a ticket. I think it was because I have NJ plates.
Howell, NJ
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seatbelts suck.... :lol2: i hate wen these cops pull you over for sumtin stupid... why dont they try getting at people selling illegal stuff or killing someone... they should be focusing there attention to the bigger things...


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Dude, How can you say seat belts suck? Why do you think people get ejected from there vehicle in an accident? Come spend a couple months up this way... after you see a few collisions of people who have wrapped there car around a pole or tree while doing 60.


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Going after criminals doesn't yield any money. To the contrary, they will end up losing money. How do you think these roads and alot of things get paid. Tickets equals revenue. If there are no points, just pay the fine. You will not win.

I got trapped by some schmuck upstate and that was carrying 4 points. I got a lawyer and reduced it to no points. But in your case it's different.

Always wear your seatbelt man, it's the first thing i do when i get in, like automatic.


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Jamaica, Queens
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Tonyscoots84 said:
seatbelts suck.... :lol2: i hate wen these cops pull you over for sumtin stupid... why dont they try getting at people selling illegal stuff or killing someone... they should be focusing there attention to the bigger things...
Tony I used to think the same thing, but those of us who own a car and pay insurance suffer in the end b/c of all the lawsuits etc.. that these insurance companies have to pay to settle after accidents. For example, had an aunt who lent her car to a friend who ended up in a minor accident. long story short she ednded up sueing my aunts insurance company afterwards for whatever damages she allegedly suffered. Next thing you know her insurance shot up over $1000. I think that seat belt are a hassle, but in the end its for your own good.
Howell, NJ
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jackson6745 said:
Free Country my A$$:tired:

I understand what you all are saying and i agree to some extent... BUT ITS A FREE COUNTRY AND ILL DO AS I PLEASE... :birthday:

Rich i always think how free this country really is....

i believe if someone chooses not to where there seatbelt thats there own choice, who the hell are they to tell me to where my seatbelt what am i freakin 5 :lol2: but if one is worried about safety they by all means should were there seatbelt me on the other hand can give to Sh!ts less...

i flew into a windshield when i got into my accident on my quad i died and came back to life... to me that means i aint going anywheres for a while.... As i said before these cops really need to worry about the bigger things and stop bustin our balls about cell phones, seatbelts and i heard soon were not gonna be able to smoke in our own cars... u no what i say to that (i cant really say what i wanna on here) but you guys get the point.... they are getting out of hand with all these laws....

sorry for the complaining but i figured i would speak my mind.... :splitspin :tongue1:


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I'm sure every cop would rather just go out and get the people who belong in jail but police work is far more complicated than that. There is so much political influnce involved. Bloomberg needs a couple of extra bucks in the city's budget so he tells the police commissioner to force his cops to write X amount of tickets or else they get transfered, tour changed, etc for not producing. The average cop could care less about the guy driving and talking of the cellphone but its what the city forces them to do. People know its illegal yet they still do it. Thats what I don't understand. I would just pay the ticket and get it over with. Saves you the agrevation of taking a day off and going to court.


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I think this thread needs to be closed before it becomes like the last ticket thread.

Tony I have gotten guns off the street from a simple seatbelt stop.

There was a moron in the daily news opinion page who had something to say about cops writing cellphone summonses and not targeting dvd players in cars or tinted windows or going after real criminals like drug dealers, my response to him was "I don't come into Burger King and tell you how to make french fries, so don't tell me how to do my job"

Little things are sometimes the gateway to big things, keep that in mind. Laws are laws, we didn't write them, we just enforce them.

NYCX pay the ticket, don't pay the ticket, you have a 50/50 shot in winning in court, 0% chance if you plead guilty,(75-25 % chance of winning in manhattan your favor trust me I know).

Bloomberg/Kelly BLAH BLAH BLAH, thay ain't out there getting shot at with us.

Also most of the revenue from moving violation summonses goes to the state and gets trickled down to the city. Your parking tickets make the city more than Moving Violation Summonses.

There is no fix, like I said most traffic court judges in NYC hate cops and put us under the microscope to win our cases and usually give the motorist the benefit of the doubt. Hey I write a ticket to someone and they take me to court, I get paid 1:40 in overtime and really don't care if I win or loose, unless the person is really a jerk. My rule is if I write notes on the back of the summons and in my notebook I want to win, if I don't make notes I really don't care.

Like I said the thread is getting like the other thread from a few months ago and should be closed before it gets like that thread did.
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PAy the Ticket and wear your seat belts.

that's the moral of this thread.

now move along there's nothing more to see here :tired:
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