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Paul B

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I just searched on this forum for Memorial Day and all I see is sales.
That is not the reason for Memorial Day and the Americans here should know what it is for. It was originally called Decoration Day and Patriotic Americans would put an American Flag up on their house. (some of us fly the flag all the time)
It is one day we rightfully and respectifully honor our soldiers who were our protectors who gave their life for this country. Not an easy thing to do and I know first hand as a few of them died in my arms. It is something that never leaves you or especially their family. I honor their sacrifice.

To me as an American it is one of our most important National Holidays.
Yes we have sales, bar be cues and parties, but it would be nice to also remember the brave people who are not here partying with us so we can enjoy this freedom.


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Memorial day is a day to pay tribute to the real heroes of the world. Thank God for all who have served and are still serving.


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Paul, I did share your sentiments as I saw everyone think this is just a 3 day weekend as a holiday for a work day off.

However, when you are not directly affected or have any basis of the celebration then it gets lost in this. Just like how the businesses have overtaken thanksgiving with "BLACK FRIDAY".

-NAVY Vet ;) Proud to have served and salute those who have gone before me!

Paul B

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However, when you are not directly affected or have any basis of the celebration then it gets lost in this. Just like how the businesses have overtaken thanksgiving with "BLACK FRIDAY".

evoIX Reefer. That is correct which is the reason I always put up a thread on Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Viet Nam Veterans Day, to try to bring awareness.
I try to educate my Daughter whenever one of these days comes around and I try to educate her about how and why she has freedom and how it was from these sacrifices that we live the way we do.


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Ridgewood Queens
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It would be nice for the government to actually help the vets the way they should,instead of some bs ceremony ,politician speech or some commercial with a flag on it.. Give these guys what they really need some support decent care at va hospitals and a check they can actually live off of..When these men and women return from duty,they should be tax exempt and have everything they need,school homes jobs healthcare..Cut a few billion from what you send other countries for nothing and give it to the people who deserve it..


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Plain and simple, every day should be Memorial day, veterans day, etc. Every day we should give thanks to the women and men who died in serving this great country, those that served at one time and those who are serving presently. Too many people forget that while celeb's and athletes etc are on the big screen entertaining us the people who make it all possible for all of us to do anything are the people who have served or are serving in the armed forces. When I say they are the TRUE HEROES I mean it. They truly are. God bless all of them and their families for their sacrifices and their service. God bless them all. Freedom isn't free.


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i have to disagree. we are taxed enough as is and imagine an additional tax for strictly veterans. i am not 100% sure but i believe those injured do receieve benefits but obviously not exactly worth it.

when you get out you are given on the job training while you are in and you need to take your time off to educate yourself with a degree.

no one should be hand fed.


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This Memorial Day I thank all the men and women who gave their life so I could have the honor to serve this country.

Also thank you to the families who supported and are left behind to remember these great people.

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Thank you for the thread Paul. It is important for people to remember what those mean.

Two weeks ago in France it was a day off for May 8th, aka the anniversary of the capitulation of nazi Germany. Journalists went into the streets and asked people why the day was off... the answers were appalling.

There is nothing sadder to me than going to work on November 11th (the market is not closed that day) and passing by celebrations that no one seems to really care about, nor understand the meaning of. I wish we would still have these celebrations for each war, rather than under a portmanteau "one day off" that tends to blur the images of all the people that fought and died.

With the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WWI coming next year, it is more important than ever to remember that people (both military and civilian) have had to die to bring us the freedom we now enjoy.

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