I have a 1yr old female fixed cat I rescue from my gob got her when she was 3 month old. About 2 month a go I got a tiny male kitten from work also. I had them seperated and I let them get together a little at a time for about a month then I let him out.they were fine the bigger cat grooms him they follow each other. He is a kitten so he is a pita he likes to play but its all the time usually the bigger cat will let him know when its enough.Last night she attacked him like I never seen before she was fluffed up and growling loud,I think she hurt his back leg he is slightly limping.I seperated him and put him in the spare room where I started him out inThe next day I opened the door but left the gate up she saw him and went after him like she wanted to kill him.Does any one with 2 cats have had this happen I dont know what to do. I feel bad leaving him alone in there but dont want to let him out i dont want either of them getting hurt.Its odd because the older female is the most friendly cat and never shoes a hint of agression.Could it be jealous since the little guy kinds goes in her spots and kinda infringes at her time with us.the female is always on my lap of nex to me,she would bring the ball to play fetch..Since I let him have the house to roam she does not come by me like she used to because the little one wants attention.so I would put him down and get her but then little one comes up she leaves.I just found it odd because after the fight I went to check her to see if she had any injuries she made a wierd meow and jumped in my seat for attention and to be petted she did not leave me for a hour or so and slept in my bed instead of hers.Could this be some kind of jealous agression towards him since she has to share attention with him,if so what can I do ..I really cant let the little guy go and kinda pissed at my older cat for having that kind of mean agression to him especially since she hurt his leg somehow.