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New York
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Because everything the FDA passes is safe i guess huh??? Once again im asking about success rate of quiting smoking with the ecig that is all. I know its hard to refrain when someone comments on your comment but please try. I want to know if anyone on here QUIT SMOKING USING THE E-CIG. Thank you :) LOL

Yeah, I am unable to refrain. Even if you find one person who has quit with e-cigs, you could also find a person who quit by shooting a nailgun into their tongue each time they had a craving. What exactly would that tell you?


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So because someone doesn't want to use what you used a pill which obviously goes right into your brain and who knows what long term effect it can have your just going to act like all these LED guys vs t5 where it is the best because you used it, its funny when people start threads and it always turns into something the OP can care less about. Searched a couple web sites and its seems to be a 50/50 success rate. Guess ill go back to the gum that kept me cig free for 3 years.


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long island ny
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Lmfao but you have no problem putting smoke into your body wtf suck it up and stop 5 years without one best thing I ever did
Difference is I was 13 and thought I would live forever when I started smoking. At 36 I'm a little wiser and know I don't want to put that medicine in my body.
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