It is truly a sad day when you can stand up and say that someone such as this has rights. What happened to the rights of the people whose life they changed when they decided to commit this act of terrorism? Can you honestly walk up to the father/husband, whose 8 year old son was killed.whose daughter lost a limb and whose wife has brain damage and say," well sir he only did this because he had a rather harsh upbringing, so please understand". I'm sure he would have a few choice words and or actions for the person who dares. Now can you tell me, of all the people who were injured/ killed which one of them had a role in the harsh upbringing of these two "Fine" individuals ? The answer is NONE. Why not commit this violent act in the country not caused them to be such individuals ? I'll tell you why not, because such an act in their home country as well as a few others would mean instant death for you. And if you are not available, then your family will partake in your place. There would be no such thing as mercy or understanding.
Now I ask you, If this was your family who was affected by such an unwarranted act, would you be so inclined to turn the other cheek and champion for their so called rights.