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Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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Terrible chain of events that could have been considerably worse. My heart goes out to all the families of the victims. I don't agree with Mr President that actor can't be interrogated. He committed an act of war on US streets- he shouldn't have the same rights as you, me, or anyone else


Advanced Reefer
New York
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Terrible chain of events that could have been considerably worse. My heart goes out to all the families of the victims. I don't agree with Mr President that actor can't be interrogated. He committed an act of war on US streets- he shouldn't have the same rights as you, me, or anyone else

He is still a person and entitled to his rights no matter what and deserves to be given a chance. My heart goes out to all the victims as well and hopefully we will know the motives behind the bombing soon...


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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He didn't commit a burglary, it was an act of war
He should be treated as such, let military personnel conduct interview/interrogate but he should be

Now he is protected and doesn't have to speak a word on what or why he attacked helpless people. If we can't get in his head, what intel comes of the arrest. Please don't get on me that he is a person he's a monster that destroyed peoples lives unprovoked


Advanced Reefer
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He is still a person and entitled to his rights no matter what and deserves to be given a chance. My heart goes out to all the victims as well and hopefully we will know the motives behind the bombing soon...

If you are a terrorist which these 2 a holes are/were you absolutely do not deserve the same rights that the people you kill/injure/maime/negatively effect the rest of their lives do.

If you feel so strongly that he deserves anything go perform an act of terrorism in the country of his origin. You would have the right to be killed very, very slowly and painfully- not to mention most likely be dismembered. That's the one thing a lot of countries have right where we went wrong. They don't put up with it--- they kill you------publically while your family/friends watch.

I also think you'd feel very differently if it was your 8 year old son waiting for you to finish the marathon to go celebrate that was killed.

Terrorists-----------report to hell. Your victims wrath will be felt.
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Posted this to FB in response to someone crying about their rough upbringing in Chechnya making them this way and how we should treat them accordingly:

"I would hazard that there are plenty of Chechens who wouldn't do this sort of thing and had a worse upbringing. People need to stop looking for reason in the perpetrators (there is none) and start shaming and going after the parents who unleashed a******s like this on the world. If you want to fix the problem go to the source, treating symptoms isn't going to achieve anything."


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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It is truly a sad day when you can stand up and say that someone such as this has rights. What happened to the rights of the people whose life they changed when they decided to commit this act of terrorism? Can you honestly walk up to the father/husband, whose 8 year old son was killed.whose daughter lost a limb and whose wife has brain damage and say," well sir he only did this because he had a rather harsh upbringing, so please understand". I'm sure he would have a few choice words and or actions for the person who dares. Now can you tell me, of all the people who were injured/ killed which one of them had a role in the harsh upbringing of these two "Fine" individuals ? The answer is NONE. Why not commit this violent act in the country not caused them to be such individuals ? I'll tell you why not, because such an act in their home country as well as a few others would mean instant death for you. And if you are not available, then your family will partake in your place. There would be no such thing as mercy or understanding.

Now I ask you, If this was your family who was affected by such an unwarranted act, would you be so inclined to turn the other cheek and champion for their so called rights.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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First of all I absolutely do not believe in the fact that what he did was right, as I can clearly see people are going off my post. Every person is equal in Gods eyes and each life is worth the same in my opinion. The last time I checked the police weren't sure if he did it or it was staged or something like that, so I said he deserves his rights. Don't flame lol. It all depends on the circumstances... Please don't being me personally into this. Thanks.


Old School Reefer
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He is still a person and entitled to his rights no matter what and deserves to be given a chance. My heart goes out to all the victims as well and hopefully we will know the motives behind the bombing soon...

You're joking right? Don't bring you into this personally? Who made the above statement? Someone else? Sorry bud, very personal.
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What BS...he wasn't raised in Chechnya. His father made it clear that he got them out of the country before things got bad. They were raised in Dagestan, then Kirgystan, before coming here a long time ago. They had no misery or persecution in their upbringing. It's obvious that the younger brother was obsessed with pleasing the older brother...the weird thing is that the older brother mainly hated Russians. But I say, give him his rights...now, when he's unconscious or incoherent. And read them fast......


Bay Ridge, BK
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People seem to be missing the very things that are supposed to make Americans different from the rest of the world, from the wording in some of these posts, you guys sound like you would love Sharia law... I know it is easy to type about vigilante justice because it is cathartic but come on.
Tim Mcveigh killed more than 50x this amount of Americans and he got his day in court, how can this clown not get his? Doesn't mean he is innocent, it just means we have procedures for these crimes in place and some of you guys seem to be implying that because this one pulled on all of your feel-strings that we just throw out our rights. smh.
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