Sorry for your loss. I just lost my old maroon clown, after almost 10 years. I wasn't as attached to mine, as it was the meanest ******* I've ever kept in that tank, but it was major fixture there, to say the least. However, should you get another, and it sustains a similar injury, it may be best to just leave it alone. Since my clown was constantly picking on my yellow tang, who is too stupid to hide like a normal fish, the tang would fight back. (It has virtually no rear dorsal or ventral fins now.) One day it had a huge, disgusting ulceration in the middle of its stripe, must have been slashed by the tang. I left it alone, assuming it would either recover or die. It looked bad for a few days, then healed surprisingly quickly. No visible scar, but it was left as a misbar, with the deep red body color in the middle of the stripe where the injury was. Healthy fish have amazing powers of recuperation and healing.