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Round 1: After a thrilling buildup in a sold-out MGM Grand Garden Arena, referee Kenny Bayless gave the fighters their final instructions and the fight begins. Pacquiao's ready to charge. A Marquez counter right lands. A nice Pacquiao left. They move for position. This isn't the three minutes of action Pacquiao promised, but he did press the action, and did enough. Pacquiao wins the round, 10-9.

Round 2: Again, they're waiting each other out. Pacquiao shoots in a right, then misses a left uppercut. Marquez gets in a short right. Pacquiao with a straight left, a nice punch. Marquez content to stand back. He gets in a good right. Again, Pacquiao did more work. Pacquiao win the round, 10-9. Pacquiao leads, 20-18.

Round 3: Marquez throws overhand left. Pacquiao charges with a right that lands. Good left by Pacquiao. Counter left by Marquez. Left uppercut to body by Marquez. Big right and Pacquiao is down at 1:12 mark. Hard right by Marquez, then a big right to body by Marquez. Hard left uppercut by Marquez. Pacquiao fighting buzzed. Hard right by Pacquiao, Ton of passion in this fight at end, both guys swinging. Marquez wins the round, 10-8. Fight is even, 38-38.

Round 4: Marquez lands with a high left. Marquez follows with a straight right. Pacquiao not in huge hurry to engage here. Pacquiao lands a jab, but Marquez makes him eat two hard rights before the bell. Marquez wins the round, 10-9. Marquez leads, 48-47.

Round 5: Pacquiao drops Marquez with hard left. Incredible round. Marquez takes eight count. Pacquiao is at his most dynamic, battering Marquez with set-up lefts. Hard rights. He had Marquez cornered twice and wailed on him. Pacquiao win the round, 10-8. Pacquiao leads, 57-56.

Round 6: Big left snaps Marquez head back. Marquez missing now. Marquez's nose is bleeding and appears it might be broken. He's breathing with mouth wide open. Hard right by Marquez. Jab by Marquez. Pacquiao lands a right. Marquez follows with wicked hard right. Pacquiao's out, not moving, fight is over. Marquez wins. He runs to corner and stands. Pacquiao down on canvas with his cornermen over him. He's now sitting up. Marquez wins by knockout at 2:59.


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Grrreat fight, pick up your jaw off the floor. What you guys though, Pac man can't get his ass knocked the $%@& out?


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Brooklyn, NY
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Grrreat fight, pick up your jaw off the floor. What you guys though, Pac man can't get his ass knocked the $%@& out?

Oh, I am making it a point to get out early and pick up the paper to lay next to the manchild's breakfast plate in the morning. I'm going to enjoy rubbing this in like course sand paper to an open wound for quite a while. lmao

He has talked so much sh*t like this fool would never be dropped...

"Hey babe, would you like a side of your boy got knocked the eff out with those eggs?" :sgrin::lol2:

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I had PAC winning round 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 before the knock out.

He's going to be fine but he no longer should take huge fights. That definitely will leave physiological effects on him.

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