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Signed the petition and posted it on my facebook page.
Ridiculous that they are even thinking of holding the Marathon.


The Inked Reefer
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Signed the petition and posted it on my facebook page.
Ridiculous that they are even thinking of holding the Marathon.

i have this one ignorant girl tell me why signing it is the most selfish thing to do is sign the petition on my Facebook.

"Of course they do, returning to normalcy helps boost moral. SIGNING THAT PETITION IS THE MOST SELFISH THING NEW YORKERS CAN DO! 1. Marathon is a big money maker for NYC- remember post 9/11, how businesses left NYC? Yeah, we felt that. NYC needs an income, now more than ever. 2. All those runners have been training MONTHS if not longer, let them run. They probably need to blow of steam, too. 3. We're bored to death! This will give us something to do. 4. I highly doubt that having runners in the city will detract from the recovery efforts, if anything it'll show how resilient NY'ers are. Seriously, though, would you rather NYC continue on the I Am Legend-style mindset?"

why am i friends with these people on Facebook??


Advanced Reefer
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i have this one ignorant girl tell me why signing it is the most selfish thing to do is sign the petition on my Facebook.

"Of course they do, returning to normalcy helps boost moral. SIGNING THAT PETITION IS THE MOST SELFISH THING NEW YORKERS CAN DO! 1. Marathon is a big money maker for NYC- remember post 9/11, how businesses left NYC? Yeah, we felt that. NYC needs an income, now more than ever. 2. All those runners have been training MONTHS if not longer, let them run. They probably need to blow of steam, too. 3. We're bored to death! This will give us something to do. 4. I highly doubt that having runners in the city will detract from the recovery efforts, if anything it'll show how resilient NY'ers are. Seriously, though, would you rather NYC continue on the I Am Legend-style mindset?"

why am i friends with these people on Facebook??

Wow, has she seen how much damage has been caused by Sandy? Seriously people have lost loved ones, have lost their homes, etc. Some people have nothing. They need all the volunteers/workers at these sites, not volunteering/working at a marathon. I understand that people need to make money - but this is not the time.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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i have this one ignorant girl tell me why signing it is the most selfish thing to do is sign the petition on my Facebook.

"Of course they do, returning to normalcy helps boost moral. SIGNING THAT PETITION IS THE MOST SELFISH THING NEW YORKERS CAN DO! 1. Marathon is a big money maker for NYC- remember post 9/11, how businesses left NYC? Yeah, we felt that. NYC needs an income, now more than ever. 2. All those runners have been training MONTHS if not longer, let them run. They probably need to blow of steam, too. 3. We're bored to death! This will give us something to do. 4. I highly doubt that having runners in the city will detract from the recovery efforts, if anything it'll show how resilient NY'ers are. Seriously, though, would you rather NYC continue on the I Am Legend-style mindset?"

why am i friends with these people on Facebook??

Let me get a hold of her...put her in a tank top and shorts...no warm clothes...take all of her comforts...food...water...electric...phone...laptop...internet or a place to stay and so on...then drop her out somewhere that has yet to receive help from anyone and lets see how fast it takes her to change her standpoint on the marathon. Postponing the marathon to spring would still bring in the revenue at a more appropriate time...not while people are starving/cold/homeless and have yet to receive help.

-signed the evil woman in me...


Advanced Reefer
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Let me get a hold of her...put her in a tank top and shorts...no warm clothes...take all of her comforts...food...water...electric...phone...laptop...internet or a place to stay and so on...then drop her out somewhere that has yet to receive help from anyone and lets see how fast it takes her to change her standpoint on the marathon. Postponing the marathon to spring would still bring in the revenue at a more appropriate time...not while people are starving/cold/homeless and have yet to receive help.

-signed the evil woman in me...

+1MILLION. Well Said.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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i have this one ignorant girl tell me why signing it is the most selfish thing to do is sign the petition on my Facebook.

"Of course they do, returning to normalcy helps boost moral. SIGNING THAT PETITION IS THE MOST SELFISH THING NEW YORKERS CAN DO! 1. Marathon is a big money maker for NYC- remember post 9/11, how businesses left NYC? Yeah, we felt that. NYC needs an income, now more than ever. 2. All those runners have been training MONTHS if not longer, let them run. They probably need to blow of steam, too. 3. We're bored to death! This will give us something to do. 4. I highly doubt that having runners in the city will detract from the recovery efforts, if anything it'll show how resilient NY'ers are. Seriously, though, would you rather NYC continue on the I Am Legend-style mindset?"

why am i friends with these people on Facebook??

Let your friend know the following;

while NYC does need its normalcy back, what it doesn't need is a strain on the resources that are already strained to a breaking point. Many fail to realize that these same first responders who are working around the clock, are residents of the same disaster zones that they are now responding to. NYC first needs to be able to walk again before we expect it to RUN.

And on another note, I believe NYC has another storm heading our way come Monday or Tuesday.


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Ok so where are the cops, firefighters, ems, dep, sanitation workers etc that will be assigned to the marathon getting reassigned from? The places that are devastated. Away from the people who need REAL help to runners and their slob friends who will litter and close main arteries in the city that can be used for relief efforts. They will tax the already overburdened hospitals with skinned knees an sprains and strains that could also be helping people who need REAL HELP. People disgust me sometimes. I like meangreens suggestion.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Lol...you guys are too funny! I'm glad too. I wanted to reach through the tv and slap some old guy that was complaining about it being cancelled, but then they had another old couple that came on and asked to be put on buses so that they could go help...love good people and karma will come to the heartless...


The Inked Reefer
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WOW, this b!tch on my Facebook STILL insist we should have the marathon, what nerve! i guess she doesn't realize staten island and LI were part of NY.

"I think people spoke too soon. Now that we have power, can we have the marathon back? Please? Please, Daddy Bloomberg! http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-Marathon-Post-Storm-Resources-Mayor-Bloomberg-Defends-Decision-177019721.html"

the nerve of some people.


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She is more than welcome to run it........................... ALL BY HERSELF!

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