Report him???? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
Even better.....declare your apartment an independent nation and SUE the people upstairs for "violating your airspace"!!!!!!!
I love apartment buildings....the fights that tenants get into are hysterical
LOL! i'm in house, so a little better than apartment crab you had to deal with. But my left and right neighbor isn't the best people out there thats for sure.
Don't report,you will gain nothing by pissing of your neighbor.when I first moved into my house my neighbor knocked on my door at 3:00am saying my a.c was to loud,it was a brand new a.c,I wanted to curse her out instead I said sorry ill turn it off.she has been a saint ever since(8 years) .sometimes it's just better to let it go
I kind of agree with you, what if your neighbor is an ass, keep getting on your nerve?
I have been fighting with my neighbor for over a year now, It has gone to court an im now in the process of suing them as well as the township. My neighbors work for the township and they pretty much do as they please, like building a garage one foot from my property, ripping off the roof of their house and adding a dormer with no permits at all. I go to do an addition and need a variance and they shoot it down. So now they will be paying all those back taxes for 6 years and numerous inquiries where made to the township with no response, all noted and documented. Just a matter of time till I get this addition up and running again.
Oh, man that sucks!!! i hope you pull it through, your neighbor sucks!!!!
The city can honestly give a crap less about what you do to your home, they only care about the money for the permits and that you use a licensed and insured contractor. And they only care about that in case something drastic happens and city property gets damaged they have someone to go after that will be easy to get monetary rewards out of through an insurance claim against his policy.
On the other hand IF they are going to come out to inspect they're coming with a keen eye and will make sure they take a gander at all the surrounding properties as well.
Also honestly if you had used a contractor to do work on your house he should have refused to start work until all the permits were in place. And as stated above, you best be 1000% sure and know in absolute truth that there is no permit for the renovations going on at his place.
If you're so pissed off that he was a d:-k why are you gonna be one as well?
I am not sure if i'm going to do yet...i'll wait it out i think....lol!
My **** is all clean, up to code, so i'm not worry on that crap, but next door is all illegal stuff....lol!!! They got bad contractor, i know for a fact they don't have permit. They have no post up and they have no filling with the building department for sure.
Food for thought:
keep in mind that if they show up for an inspection on his property and they notice anything on your property (even something you might not be aware of) you both could end up with violations.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Reefs
My property is fully inspected, in and out, no problem, so i'm okay

Lol, 1+ I was thinking the same thing, if they did it to you you should do it and double for interest accumulated. Revenge is a plate best served when cold, and double portion while you at it.
i didnt read through all of these:
i would not call and i would make sure your doosh of a neighbor knows you didnt call
sometimes nice to be "owed" one. to be honest, i dont believed in the tit for tat thing because it never seems to go away or end
That might be a good idea, buy my coworker might kill me, cuz her house is next to his house too. the bastards house is btwn my and her's. Her husband might called. They are in battle already for several years. She is asking me to call too....lol!!! So if i save the bastards ass.....then...i dunn.
Just wait til he finishes, so he can take it back down IF he really doesn't have a permit. If he does have a permit and he finds out that you reported him then I'd move out. :lol2:
That's super evil.....lol!!!! They kill me for spend 10k to build and anotehr 5 kill to remove....lol!!!!
Report him and say that he is running an illegal cock fighting ring too!!
I half agree with JimmyR1rider.
In the first place, why would your neighbor troll you like that? If someone is building something on their house, who gives a crap. Not like it concerns you (him).
It's a tough call. If you could report him without having him know its you, I'd 100% do it. If he knows its you if you report him, I would talk to him man to man about what the deal is and was in the past. If he's a jerk about it, then report him. Maybe I dont have enough details.
Oh, my contractor woke him up from his sleep, asking him to remove his car from his driveway, cuz my contractor don't want to drop **** on his car....but the guy does night **** job so he reported our site. My build got delay by less than a week. They blast music and party a lot, they aren't the nicest people but i might just let them go. If they step over the line, i guess i can report them any time as long as they still have their structure there?
I'll loose....lol!!!
Just keep in mind, doing what everyone here is saying you better be squeaky clean and a saint for the rest of the time both of you are living next to each other. You better be 100% legit with EVERYTHING you do from now on because they will be waiting for the chance to get even.
LOL, that might be hard! Very good advice!
An eye for an eye... You do dirt u get dirt...payback is a b*tch
call whats the number i call too
okay, 166-36.....lol!!!
I believe in do on to others as they do to u so if that what they did I would do the same
i believe this too, but revenue might not be the best solution but if that has to be it, i can't help it, he'll have to take it down....kakkakka!!!
I'd do it only because it was done to you.
Hahahaha, he was mad at my contractor.
Call them up without a doubt.
I'll give them once more chance....MAYBE
Tit for tat never works out.
partially agree.
kakakka!!! :Starwars: