Here's the way I see it; we have people from all over the world that were not taught the same values that we were. They don't understand our ways, and some do not care to learn them. Then there are those who live in the "me, myself, and I" world. Those just don't give 2 hoots about anyone else, and truly believe that everything is due them so why should they say "Thank You" when you owed them anyways.
I thank God everyday for my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who took the time to teach me! I can only hope that I have done them proud as I live my life. I taught my children the same, and they in turn are now teaching theirs.
Kathy, I know "your welcome has now become no problem, or you bet".lol
Thank you Jerl for putting up this thread. Perhaps it will help some to understand what manners are.

BTW, one of my grandfathers used quite a bit of fowl language, but would knock any of his children or grandchildren have across the room if they used it. His motto was: "Do as I say, not as I do".....