Hey trig , dont you have the jamaica shooting range in your area?
There are shooting ranges in the city? Hmm I always thought there weren't
I think Darren Leung has a shooting range in Westside Manhattan but I think you have to use their rifles or such.
Yeah that one I knew about Wingo and yes you have to rent his rifles. I just thought that due to restricitons on gun ownership in the city there were no other ranges. Guess I was mistaken.
Yeah you have to use their .22 rifles. Apparently that's all you are allowed to legally discharge in NYC without the appropriate paperwork, or so WestSide's website says. I went there last year with some friends...we had a GroupOn or LivingSocial thingie. It was a good time. Would like to go elsewhere and have a chance to use other weapons, but yeah, afaik, it has to be outside of the 5 boroughs. I could be wrong.
Come to calverton with me when I go again. I'll let ya shoot my sks, fun rifle, bipod, scope. ALL the good cheating tools LOL
I been wanting to go to a range myself but I'm in Queens I don't think there's too many in the NY/NJ area. I know there is at least 1 or 2 in LI. If anyone knows any in my area post that too. Don't wanna hijack just curious for myself as well.
Empire..what did you get? I love getting new toys! =]
Bullethole in Belleville, NJ and they just opened a new one up in Randolph area of NJ.
Come to calverton with me when I go again. I'll let ya shoot my sks, fun rifle, bipod, scope. ALL the good cheating tools LOL