I used to fish the Fort Totten jetty. Gorgeous views, but lots of garbage and rats (which will steal your bait). All I ever caught there was a 3" bergall and a 10" striped bass. Never saw anyone catch anything decent there, at least brought in, but the regulars always claimed that it was good at times. The Mattituck Inlet jetty can be good..I've seen some big blues caught there. I'm not a fan of jetties. I hate the rocks, and I've had at least one painful fall. I also don't like to use the heavy tackle you need to pull fish up over the rocks. For shoreline fishing, why not try out some of the LI Sound beaches? Some of the North Fork beaches have a steep slope, so a simple cast will land your bait/lure in deep water. You do need parking permits though, but enforcement is inconsistent.