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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I have always used Round Up, and you're right: They do come back simply because Round Up works for just a month or so.
There is a new product by Bayer Advance called Dura Zone that states it kills weeds up to 6 months. I will be trying this next.
But since you are talking about weeds that grow in between your pavers, I would look for a product that kills up to 3 years. I used it in my old house, worked great, but I cannot remember the name. I got it at Home Depot years ago.


Advanced Reefer
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I've helped jarrett out allready, but for others. I'm a golf course super and have the commercial pestcide license. Here's what i would say for going to home depot to solve this problem.

Roundup is non-selective so it kills both grass,weeds, and anything else growing in the crack of your bricks or cement. So don't use it in the middle of your lawn you get some nice burnt out circles. Def don't try and use it in flower beds!!!

If you want to make as few applications of round up as possible find another chemical that has a pre-emergent or pre-m. Commercial names include dimension and barricade. Should be able to find something that contains these at home depot. This stuff needs to be watered in after the application. It will bind to soil and keep new seed from germinating. Now is a good time to make this application.

Hope this helps.

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