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I don't see why everyone hates florida so much. I've done enough traveling throughout the country that a lot of places put florida in the paradise bracket.

But hey I guess everyone loves shoveling/snowblowing snow(except for this year), paying astronomical taxes, paying twice the price for the same product available elsewhere, highest prices in the country pretty much on real estate and having the wonderful attitudes that come up here on the most part.

At least your money goes farther down there if you have a pension at NY pay rates.

I'll be honest I hate NY- from seeing the other side that most of you never will for last 11 years.

One more thing- if you need a lift I'll pick you up. I'm retired so no schedule issues and no need for cash, you're gonna need it to afford anything up here again.


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Sound Beach,LI
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Its not as cheap down here as you think. Food, gas, cars, electric bill, they are all pretty much the same as NY. Plus you have a bunch of people that can't drive if their life depended on it, a governor thats Fu**ing up this whole state , NO freaking jobs(unless you have a college degree or wanna work in a supermarket) and if your lucky enough to get a job the pay sux! Id rather pay a few extra bucks for housing and live in the state I always called home. I've move from NY 4 times in my life and always went back. Its the only place I can make a decent amount of money.
Thank you for the ride offer. I have a ride but I would like to meet you one day maybe at one of the doggie get togethers in the summer
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Advanced Reefer
Selden, NY
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I don't see why everyone hates florida so much. I've done enough traveling throughout the country that a lot of places put florida in the paradise bracket.

But hey I guess everyone loves shoveling/snowblowing snow(except for this year), paying astronomical taxes, paying twice the price for the same product available elsewhere, highest prices in the country pretty much on real estate and having the wonderful attitudes that come up here on the most part.

At least your money goes farther down there if you have a pension at NY pay rates.

I'll be honest I hate NY- from seeing the other side that most of you never will for last 11 years.

One more thing- if you need a lift I'll pick you up. I'm retired so no schedule issues and no need for cash, you're gonna need it to afford anything up here again.

I agree with you 100%
I want to move there soon. Sarasota area. I want to have a boat, go to beach, and scuba dive, see palm trees everywhere and sunshine. I hate cold winters in NY (except last one).


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I know some things can be a bit expensive down there but like with the house I'm in right now in Hicksville, taxes are over 9,000 a year. Thats crazy. I know a bunch of people that have houses down there and they pay 1/9th of that.

Certain things can cost but others are MAJORLY cheaper than up here.

But to each their own. Ny just doesnt have the charm it did at one time anymore for me.


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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sure... homes are cheap down there... because there is such a low employment rate that people don't keep their homes very long. Also keep in mind that since the job market sucks, the homes do not keep their value. What was probably sold 10 years ago already lost about 60% of its value due to depreciation.
For a retiree on a fixed income this would be a welcomed purchase, however if you are still trying to support a family it would not be a wise endeavor to move there.


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sure... homes are cheap down there... because there is such a low employment rate that people don't keep their homes very long. Also keep in mind that since the job market sucks, the homes do not keep their value. What was probably sold 10 years ago already lost about 60% of its value due to depreciation.
For a retiree on a fixed income this would be a welcomed purchase, however if you are still trying to support a family it would not be a wise endeavor to move there.

I agree skene, but I am a retiree now on a somewhat fixed income(if I can't find a job it's fixed but I am allowed to work), but that fixed income is not a stingy one in the slightest. I also have medical benefits for life through the city as part of the contract the city has with the FDNY. Have medical, dental as well as eyeglasses every two years.

I'm allowed to make a decent amount working, even though i wouldn't have to rely on a good salary down there so any salary is actually a bonus for me as I stated above if I can't find work I'd be on a fixed income, so for this place which is good in a lot of ways is more of a headache to me now. Florida would be a good option I think. I'm actually moving down there and moving my mother down there and supporting her. She loves Florida and right now while shes still around it's all about her so Florida it is it seems. She's not COMPLETELY deadset on it, we're gonna look at the Carolinas as well ,but she has friends and we have some family down there, all reasons it's lookin like Florida in the near future.


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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Well maybe in your situation it would work for you.. however I can think of a lot more places I would rather be... than in FL.
When I eventually retire I'll be moving out west... to Vegas. There are large retirement communities out there. No/little humidity (for those suffering from arthritis). Temps are very good in terms of its not going to snow and when it does it does not stick. Hot temps, while hot it will not kill you (dying of dehydration on the other hand is a different story). Cars last forever (as long as the vehicles are properly maintained) out there since there is very little rusting due to weathering.


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Well maybe in your situation it would work for you.. however I can think of a lot more places I would rather be... than in FL.
When I eventually retire I'll be moving out west... to Vegas. There are large retirement communities out there. No/little humidity (for those suffering from arthritis). Temps are very good in terms of its not going to snow and when it does it does not stick. Hot temps, while hot it will not kill you (dying of dehydration on the other hand is a different story). Cars last forever (as long as the vehicles are properly maintained) out there since there is very little rusting due to weathering.

True, I was originaly thinking of there too but had friends believe it or not that maved back to FL from Vegas cause they hated it and love FL lol. They work in the casino business but were always avid deep sea fishing lovers. He worked in AC for years and got an offer too good to turn down in Vegas. After a few years they couldnt take it and moved to FL, work in the hard rock casino in Hollywood FL and love it. They get off work at 3 wait till the hottest sun is done then go out on the boat to catch dinner. They have a house they're looking to sell if your interested hehe. Thats a town that will rival FL on the dead economy front. We had family friends move out there when I was little as well and everytime I see them they complain about it and there are more empty homes than occupied. Their whole development has gone to the s#$@%er. When you can get a house that's 3,650 square feet, built in 2010 for $165,000 that's a sign of a doom and gloom economy as well. They also have no guarantee on their water source, that's always been a worry for them, they get it from the lake there and if theres ever a hard core drought, they're screwed. I also like lawns, not gravel museums when I look out my windows. As well as you talk about weirdos? look at the entire cast of Pawn Stars. They also have NOTORIOUS crime ridden areas and is why their PD recruits cops from big cities such as NYC and LA to bring a level of experience to help. All great signs of a good retirement town(sorry small dig lol)

My mom absolutely couldn't take that amount of heat so thats a no go.

I did 4 years in the military where you live where Uncle Sam says you live. It gives you a VERY different mindset on pros and cons of living arrangements. I can live anywhere and enjoy it. If I only like 5% of what the place has to offer that's the 5% I dive into and put the old blinders on the other 95%.


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Sound Beach,LI
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Hey Jimmy, you should check out Wilmington, NC. My mom lives there and loves it. Its right on the water and the economy is alot better. I'm not going there because of personal reasons but of would be a great spot to retire. If your mom can' the heat in Vegas, Florida is worse. You pretty much get the same heat with a hell alot more humidity! It was 85? the other day and I felt like it was 100! Lol
Oh and on a side note, the only reason NY had a calm winter this year was I wasn't there. Mark my words, next winter there will be 6' of snow cause I'm moving back there lol


Advanced Reefer
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Hey Jimmy, you should check out Wilmington, NC. My mom lives there and loves it. Its right on the water and the economy is alot better. I'm not going there because of personal reasons but of would be a great spot to retire. If your mom can' the heat in Vegas, Florida is worse. You pretty much get the same heat with a hell alot more humidity! It was 85? the other day and I felt like it was 100! Lol
Oh and on a side note, the only reason NY had a calm winter this year was I wasn't there. Mark my words, next winter there will be 6' of snow cause I'm moving back there lol

LOL. Well, I'll give you my snowblower when I move as a concellation prize lmao...

My mom has 2 timeshares and she goes to pompono and daytona every year. Honestly I think she just doesn't want to be isolated. Like she stated to me, if we have family christmas or thanksgiving, its a quick flight or 1 day drive for everyone(they're all on the coastal states except for 1 aunt and family in Texas).


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Only steers and queers come from Texas and you ain't no steer.

Sorry but that line is great! you made me think of it with the mention of Texas.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Believe me, tehy're the black sheep in a way.

Although I was stationed down there for 3 1/2 years and had a lot of fun. I actually miss it sometimes(in brief mental spurts)

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