Awwww, he did his best! Just imagine it being a great big framed pic on your wall, and thank your lucky stars it's a toilet seat that can easily be broken.LOL BTW, are those turds?:shocked1::lol_large guys definitely made my morning and made me smile. Yes, he did make the effort and I am appreciative of any and all effort that he puts forth...but come on look at it guys. Lol The evil plan is in progress...brought my green bags to stop by the grocery store for the ingredients to make his favorite dinner and for the from scratch cookies my kid's go bonkers over as a bribe...:sgrin: does look like turds but they're brown fish...smh...
i think you should just tell him straight out that you love the thought but didn't like that particular need to told point blank no beating around the bush.....otherwise he'll just go out and buy another one.
how do i know this....bought my wife a sweater that she "accidentally" shrunk in the dryer. so i bought her another one exactly like it. it got unraveled when she "accidentally" snagged it somehow. guess what?... i bought her another one just to get her to confessed that she hated it......:lol2:
I don't even know you but I'm so mad at you for that...**fights through laughter as I type**...I'm a lady...I wouldn't be caught dead on a bucket! He just needs to get a normal seat and I'll be happy...can't a guy just buy a girl a normal plain toilet seat and call it a day? Lmfao :biggrin:
Yeah I would definately say it WAS a nice gesture that happened to end as an epic fail.
Remember that saying about the Christmas present that the crazy uncle bought you that you couldn't wait to move on from and you say-"It's ok, it's the thought that counts"?
Us men take that saying to astronomical heights that it was never meant to be taken to lol
I would tell him that u didn't like it cuz after u break it,, who know he may walk into the store and find the matching shower curtain. Then what u going to do..lmao