His name is unknown among most people unless you are a Sci Fi fan or in the entertainment industry, there will be no parade, there will be no coverage of his funeral on the radio and probably only a 5 second blurb on the news. He wasn't a junkie crackhead from new jersey who killed himself. He was a humble man who helped envision a galaxy far far away. For that reason he was a great man. God bless you and rest in peace. about an hour ago ?
His name is unknown among most people unless you are a Sci Fi fan or in the entertainment industry, there will be no parade, there will be no coverage of his funeral on the radio and probably only a 5 second blurb on the news. He wasn't a junkie crackhead from new jersey who killed himself. He was a humble man who helped envision a galaxy far far away. For that reason he was a great man. God bless you and rest in peace. about an hour ago ?