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Can they get a different driver? You should call and ask
Good morning to all.
What would you do if your senior citizen parents were put through the following?
My parents are 80 & 87 years young. They cannot take the subways any longer do to the many stairs involved. So I had them apply for access a ride for some of their travels because I cannot do it all for them.
This past Thursday they came out to visit us via Access A Ride. The trip back home is the one that I will speak of today.
They were picked up at 5:45 PM for what should have been a 45 minute trip back to their place. The trip ended up being a very long, and miserable 2 hours.
For starters I thought they would have a great ride home as they were picked up by a TLC vehicle because Access A Ride did not have a bus or car coming out to the Rock. TLC buses & cars do not have the smoothest rides.
Now here is what transpired:
First the driver was constantly on his cell talking with friends, wife, and his employer. This made my parents nervous because they felt the guy was not paying attention to the road.
Secondly, and the most disturbing to me is that he ran out of gas on Queens Blvd. He then pulled over to the side of the road (not really sure where. Did he pull over to the service road, or just on the shoulder). He then left my parents in the Van with windows closed, he walked away with a gas can. My parents although frighten did not call me. He came back 10 to 15 minutes later, poured the gas in the tank, and put the empty gas can in the back of the van. My mom had to ask him to please open the windows because they couldn't breath, and were feeling nausea's, and light headed. He did open the windows a bit for a little while.
Thirdly he missed their exit off of the FDR, which convinced my parents that the driver was in fact not paying attention.
The driver repeatedly asked my parents to "please don't call the office. Please don't file a complaint", before, and after he left them stranded in the van while he went to purchase gas.
My husband, and one of my sons want me to file a complaint against the driver. My mom says no. She worries that he is a young man with a baby, and wife (there was a baby car seat in the van). Mom does not want to cause him his job. My husband insist that he should be reported, and that reporting him will not cause him his job because he does not work directly for Access A Ride.
I feel like we don't have the whole story. We have no way of knowing if his vehicles gas gauge just went bad on him, and therefor he had no way of knowing that he was running out of gas. Secondly we have no way of knowing where exactly was it that he parked the van with my parents in it.
Was it on the service road, or on the shoulder?
Obviously now my step dad does not want to ride with Access AL Ride.
What do you good folks think?
i might sound like a terrible person here, but i don't care if he's got 17 kids and they're all starving... That's all the more reason to do your job properly.
Personally, i'm sick and tired of tips being expected, bad service being tolerated, and unemployed people losing jobs to incompetent jackwads like this guy.
He performed an illegal act while driving (assuming he wasn't using a hands free device), put people in danger (how many people do you know that carry a gas can in their car... It's not the first time this has happened), and paid no attention to where he was going. This is unacceptable.
If you can't do your job properly, someone else will be happy to take it. He shouldn't have his hack license, and needs to be reported.
Sue them.....this is ridiculous. This is what made me mad when I read this:
"The driver repeatedly asked my parents to "please don't call the office. Please don't file a complaint", before, and after he left them stranded in the van while he went to purchase gas."
Absolutely #%#! Service...how can someone beg like that?
Plus missing the freaking exit.....pathedic.....and running out of gas and etc and stranding them while he went to buy gas???? WOW!! This guy shouldn't be driving senior citizens with that kind of service. Worst case scenario what if someone has a stress related condition and have a panic attack???
This is outrageous.
You are dead on beer fishI might sound like a terrible person here, but I don't care if he's got 17 kids and they're all starving... That's all the more reason to do your job properly.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of tips being expected, bad service being tolerated, and unemployed people losing jobs to incompetent jackwads like this guy.
He performed an illegal act while driving (assuming he wasn't using a hands free device), put people in danger (how many people do you know that carry a gas can in their car... it's not the first time this has happened), and paid no attention to where he was going. This is unacceptable.
If you can't do your job properly, someone else will be happy to take it. He shouldn't have his hack license, and needs to be reported.
Hey Awi,
I am sorry your folks had to go through this. I am glad however, that you have filed a complaint and plan on doing your best to ensure someone is held accountable.
I would try 311, you can call or also file a complaint online to TLC since it was their service that was shotty in a direct fashion:
(I see that the best link there sends you to the MTA to complain. I read that you've already spoken with them on the phone. If you like, you can follow up with a letter and/or an email to create a paper trail.)