hi MR family,
LEILANI ASHLEY was born on 12/21 @ 9.5 lbs. mom is recovering & baby is still in the NICU awaiting further tests. we hope to have her home before the new year.
all the best!
HA! that's why i have the tank set up that way. thx, ron! btw, the gsp has taken over the upper left rear corner & part of the left side glass. i only have one kenya tree left - two simply melted. the red mushroom split twice. the blue one is getting big. the unknown green zoas & palys have doubled. thanks for your generosity! :hug: hope to see you soon!
leilani is finally home today. we're estatic, but she's got a lot of specialists lined up for the next 2 months. thanks to everyone for their thoughts & prayers...positive energy! :grouphug: