I want to own it. I also want to change the name to The Kingdom of Russell. I want to be recognized as King Russell the first. All occupants of The Kingdom of Russell must pay taxes to the official tax collector, Russell. I declare everyday a holiday, the holiday will be forever known as King Russell Day. All schools will be closed on King Russell Day (everyday). School taxes will be collected on King Russell Day (everyday). The school operating budget will never change. It will always be $0. So all school taxes collected shall remain in the account of King Russell.
So it is said, so it shall be written :biggrin: :sgrin:
Any resident of The Kingdom of Russell that objects to any of the above decrees will be told unconditionally to :shhh:
He has a point if you buy an island you are the government. If you buy a town you still are a Gov't but you have a fed and state gov't you have to answer to.