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On another forum I am a member of, they have a "reputation system"

it's where if you like what they say, you can give them positive reps and if not, negative reps. And it shows on their profile. For example if you are reading a thread, each person that posts has a number near that name, indicating the number of positive reputation they've received.

in the other forum, green squares means good
and red means bad

I think this would be helpful because other than the market selling rating system, there is no other way to reward others for their help.

It would show how much experience members have and newbies could depend on the people with good reputation.

number of friends don't mean much and neither does post count when it comes to determining whether or not someone is helpful


Advanced Reefer
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Sounds like another forum I go to "boxingscene". If you frequent the forums, you pretty much know who gives who great answers and others normally chime in as well. It isn't a global or a big enough site in my eyes which would warrant the need for that feature. IMO of course.


Advanced Reefer
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Sounds like another forum I go to "boxingscene". If you frequent the forums, you pretty much know who gives who great answers and others normally chime in as well. It isn't a global or a big enough site in my eyes which would warrant the need for that feature. IMO of course.

true, maybe the site isn't as big... the one I'm referring to has thousands and thousands of people on so its quite helpful there

but still, it would be nice to give people some kind of reward for helping out. all you can give is a thanks and that's all.


Saltwater since 1973
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gave me a red star because of an opinion. That's why reputation points are very suspectible. People hand out reputation points like it is candy and if they are biased or don't like something even if there is logic behind it but feel like being douche bags they just send it. Nothing against albano but this is why reputation points are a horrible system in forums.

so in this case:

albano *. Reason: misuse of a feature not even in place. ha


Advanced Reefer
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Well, on the other forum I go to, if you try to rep or neg someone, you have to give a reason for the action

But yeah, I guess reps could be abuseable But I still think its a good idea.

Also, there is a 5 rep max for 24 hours. After that, no more reps until after the 24 hrs have passed


Bay Ridge, BK
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I agree with this, the automatic jr and sr member sigs that come up according to post count (which we all should know means nothing) are often misleading and could cause new forum users some confusion. I am not sure why this hasn't been addressed, this is not the first time it has come up.


A Little Annoyed!
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I actually like the idea.. There are people who post a lot, but it is not the best or wrong advise! It would be up to the user to honestly score it. You would not have to score every post. But the ones that "are" the answer or the "wrong" answer could be scored.

There are people here with thousands of posts but they may be in the for sale section or other stuff like that. But this kind of system can show the people that are helping out, not to single out the people that don't. But if someone had a high rating I would take their advice before someone with a bad rating!


Advanced Reefer
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i LOVE the idea, especially when there are ignorant loudmouths, mr know it alls, etc ...
who thinks their way is always right and everyone is wrong.
however all this talk is useless. this idea need to be address to josh.
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