+1 with trigger
its exactly what i have also and many others have been saying about this show. its ENTERTAINMENT. people need to stop taking it so seriously. the funny part is they claim they have read all the responces to the show, i KNOW they have read ours. when you look up tanks reviews or anything with stuff involving that. 5 our of the 9 i clicked on...went to a link to MR lol.
so people really need to chill out about this show and stop crying and saying "ohh they put fish in a tank without cycling and do this wrong and do that wrong" just stop. even though they seem like complete morons, i think they know what they are doing lol. look at there business, you think they got that big just from reading a few books? no, they know what they are doing, and who knows, maybe next season they will explain further details so people stop crying and wineing about the show.
also, i have read other articles about this very thing, and weather or not its true, they claim when they are at exotic reef imports (ERI), they know every fish they seem, but they just play dumb for the cameras to keep it entertaining trying to give ERI credit and helping them out making them seem like they are good and smart guys over there. and also, when it comes to the "temp issue" they had in one episode, it was all a joke for the cameras. they knew the temp was fine, but made the issue for TV purposes to keep it ENTERTAINING...aka the point of the show...entertainment. it makes sense why they do what they do. it is entertaining and i love the show