Huntington, felt it here too. I was sitting at my desk and the water in my glass started moving like in Jurassic park so i turned to the tank and the lights were swaying. I thought I was nuts for a second. NY is actually on a fault line for those that don't know.
Felt the tremor in the basement of my office building in Bellerose. At first I thought my blood pressure dropped and I was dizzy, but then everyone else started talking about it too.
Considering the fact that it was felt all the way up to Maine, I'm sure most people felt it. But if you're upset that you missed it I'm sure there's someone here willing to give you a hug or shake you a little... if that makes you feel better.
Not speaking for the rest but I did.I was wondering why my cabinets were vibrating so much and my cats were acting strange.Pretty serious even from as far as VA all the way to Beantown.
Felt it sitting here at work... Saw the plant in my cube swaying back and forth (with no wind). Kind of anxious to get back to Queens and check on my tank haha