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So I am headed to Kenya at the beginning of September, staying until the middle of December. I have found out about a reef re-building project going on over there that I would like to get involved with. The guy running it is closely tied to the group that I am traveling with. However, he will only accept people who are dive certified. This is the reason that I want to get certified. I have a guide book that has told me some good places to get certified, but I want to get some opinions from people on here. Ideally I would like to get the certification in the states, however, I don't have enough time to do so. I am a little bit nervous about getting certified over there, but it is kind of my only option. It's either that, or just don't do it. Any information about certification or diving in general would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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i would def. get certified and take advantage of that.

i got certified awhile ago, in NJ, and it was spread out over a few week period. Dive shop may be able to give you a different type course to fit your time needs, never hurts to ask! good luck


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Panaqua is a great place to get started.
If you have any questions, let me know.

For a beginning diver it really helps to get comfortable in the water before you start to work underwater. Most of dive training is gaining confidence in the water. If you already have that comfort you will be much more prepared.


Advanced Reefer
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I can understand why your dad is not too keen on the idea, first off .. It's overseas - second.. If anything were to happen to you, how is your dad going to help out. I'm sure there are alot of places in florida you can check out. I know they are pretty big in conserving the reef there as well. Whatever your decision is ..best of luck to you.

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