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Northern Jersey
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Hey Pit Bull Owners... Lets Hear Your Story & See Pictures!

Due to the recent talk about Pits on here, I decided to make a thread all for pits. There is usually great stories behind owning Pits about how you got one, why you got one, and the reason you got one. Pits are my favorite, and many many others favorite breed. My girlfriend (currently in college for vet tech) loves to sit for hours and research Pits. We love to hear amazing stories and see pictures of Pitts. Everyone has it's own personality and adorability. So, let's here and see your Pit story!

I will start....

As many know, my mother owns a dog store. 4 years ago a man walked into the store with a big box of puppies. They were claimed to be the mother a rottie/shepherd mix and the father a Pit. I don't remember the exact age he said they were, but I would guess 8-10 weeks. They were all a good size already. My mother told the man he could not purchase any of the puppies because he was not a licensed breeder, they were not vet checked, had a certificate of health paper, or any shots, so by law she can not purchase any of these puppies to try and find homes for. She noticed in the back corner of the box a small cat like animal in the box with the other 8 puppies. It was being trampled by the other puppies. My mom said what is that! The man replied "ohh that's is just the runt of the litter. It's going to die any day, it wont just give up. It has not eaten anything in over 2 weeks, barely ever got mothers milk for nursing because they mother would push it away because the mother new it would not make it, and they were ready to just put it down. As this was going on... My girlfriend and I walked into the store. I looked into the box and the only thing I saw out of all the puppies was this little runt laying on it's side about to give up. If a puppy could cry, this puppy would have been crying. it just looked at me for a few minutes. Never in my life did I feel so bad for any animal. I reached into the box and told the man give me this dog, I don't care I will do what it takes to make this dog make it... If it made it this long, then he deserves a chance more then any other one. the man said whatever, let us take him, and he left. My girlfriend dropped everything she was doing and took off work and rushed him to our vet. Our vet, Sam castamore in Agusta NJ did everything he could. After 4 hours, he came out with his head down and simply said "I'm so sorry, but I think it's too late" my girlfriend started to cry, and our vet even shed a few tears. This poor dog had nothing left, no mussel, no strength to do anything, he had almost every worm possible and overloaded with parasites and harmful bacteria, Skinny as all can be, huge head with no meat on it, pencil thin legs...ect. the vet wormed him, gave him almost 500 dollars with of medication, and simply said take him home, and enjoy him as much as you can, do not worry about the bill, just stay strong and positive. She brought him home and I held this dog all through the night. I fell asleep with him on my arms in my bed. I woke up with him in the same position, sit breathing. My girlfriend and I took off of work to stay with him. All day, no response from him. We noticed he had a perfect mickey mouse head on his body. Therefore, I decided to nick name him "Mickey". The next day, no response. For 4 days he did not eat, go to the bathroom, or move. By this time, we kept him at night in a large hamster cage completely filled with heated towels. On the 6th day, we woke up at 3 in the morning from what sounded like a guina pig noise. It was Mickey. He was standing up, and making faint noises. My girlfriend took him out and tried bottle feeding him, and he ate almost a full bottle. Half hour later, for a dog smaller then my remote controller, he pooped out more then my adult dog! Everything came out of him. And soon after he went to the bathroom for the first time, he finally walked. We were shocked and amazed. We did not think this would happen. From there on every day he got a little better day by day. A week later we went back to our vet and brought Mickey in. Our vet was in tears when he saw this dog stairing back at him wagging his tail. All he could say was this is seriously a mericle dog. He lived through the impossible, and I had no doubt in my that he was not going to make it. After he looked Mickey over, he said he still has Alot of go to become healthy, but he is going to make it. We found out he was just about 8-9 weeks old... And only 6-8 inches long and weighed .95 pounds. He seriously looked 3 weeks old. From there on, day by day, he gained weight. Slowly, but surely, he made it. He did not give up. Eventually he was a healthy weight, started to learn his name, training tricks, and I can say to this day, he is 4 years old, and by farmthe greatest dog I have ever owned. He is my best friend, and i would honestly do anything for him. Going back though, the guy who brought him in, well, apparently, about 4 years ago, a dog came into my mother shop and looked just like Mickey! A week later, another person came in, looked just like Mickey. Apparently, A week after the guy the came to the shop, he let all of the dogs loose outside in the woods with the 2 parents. A family found them one day, took the parents and all the puppies, and brought them to the pound. The pound adopted every single one out to local families within a week! All the puppies were healthy and the parents were re homed. The jackass owner, when he left my moms store, he left his number there to call if we would change our mind. My mom gave it to the police, the police tracked him down, and arrested the man. He was sent to jil because the man also had previous warrants and all. So thank god because he deserves it.

Today, Mickey is 72 pound, 4 years old, and still doing great! Hos brothers and sisters, we keep in touch with 4 of them, and they are 150 pounds each. Every now and then we let them all play together at the park and have a play date.

Uploading some pictures now...

Thhe day we went to the vet the second time when he was finally getting healthy...




Second week after getting healthy. My Girlfriends grandfather (owner of Leo Kaytes Ford in Warwick NY) holding Mickey. 10 weeks old and still that small!


He finally started getting a gut and weight!






More recent picture of this year. He is 4 in this pictures

Our dog family. Abby the saint bernard, Roxanne the Pomeranian, and of course... Mickey.
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Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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Ollie was found out front of the shelter in Philly. Had a horrible case of mange, the dog had no fur and what looked like intense acne all over his body. Probably due to being out in the cold since birth with little food. Usually mange takes over when the immune system cant keep it at bay (all dogs have it) Anyway, he was in a concrete cage with his brother Titan, just laying there for a week, in pain. It was his day to be euthanized with his brother and luckily my gf found him through rescue-a-bull.org. She drove to philly and ended up with him, titan, and 2 other pits. 18 months later, Ollie is a completely normal, crazy dog.
Mac was found wandering the streets of Philly as well with an open, bleeding wound on his face. On the check in at the same shelter, the tech noted what looked like multiple wounds in the same area of Macs face. Poor guy was most likely a bait dog, and probably only about 3 months old too when it happened. He didnt have long at the shelter, they werent going to spend any money on him to fix his face since theres hundreds of dogs waiting, so euthanasia was their decision. So steph went down and got him and 2 others again. When Mac came in they cleaned out the wound and found a tooth in his jaw muscle. They said his face looked like someone too a bite out of an apple, so they named him Macintosh. Hes now a great dog especially compared to Ollies energy level. Mac loves other dogs too, he actually cries if he doesnt get to meet them on walks. Besides another surgery to remove another tiny piece of tooth that caused his jaw to swell, hes been a great dog too. Heres one of Olivier getting friendly with them


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After my Rotty died I went looking to adopt another, but man all i could see was pitbulls. at first I didn't really know about them but i decided since so many are going to die I would rescue 1 of them instead.

I signed up to adopt with a rescue group and a few weeks later I got a call about a poor pit mother who was neglected and bred over and over and she finally died right after delivering this last litter. The pups were 4 weeks old and bottle raised. the poor lady was so overwhelmed she begged me to take one.

So I got Clover , the mystery pit puppy and since I was home after a knee surgery I had plenty of time to raise him. also help from his new brother Piglet the frenchy.



here he is last winter.

he has turned out to be a great dog, well one time he ate the sofa..


here is is home page haha


my real problem is that the frenchy.. has issue's

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