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Need help choosing a wireless "N" router and USB or network card for desktop pc.?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a wireless N router ?

I currently have Fios and have a 15MB Download & 5MB Upload. I have the option too upgrade too the 25MB Upload 25MB Download. but i believe my current connection should be fine.

The router is only a room away, but i currently cant run wires to the other room, so wireless is my only choice right now.

I'm using the Actiontec [Revision D] router and plan to set up another router as an access point to give a better connection. The Actiontec is decent, but i want something a little better. For me and my brother downstairs, so i would like to go with an N router. I'm primarily looking to game on the computer and i do understand wireless is not the best but it will have to do for the time being. What would be the best way to go?

I also need to set my desktop up for wireless so i am wondering if i should either go (PCI) Network card or a USB adapter?

Are they both the same in terms of speed?

What do you suggest?

I was looking at two dlink gaming routers but not sure if a plain old N router would be sufficient. how about a Dual band?
Suggestions would be great.
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Ok fios supplies you with a wireless router. So you should be looking for a wireless nic for your desktop. Don't go with the easy USB their not great at all. They fail allot. Just buy a nix their reasonable priced and easy to install.
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I have Fios too and it comes with a wireless-N router, there should be an antenna sticking out of the unit. All you need is either an N card for your computer or the USB antenna. You can go on Newegg.com and check this one out. It's a good one that isn't expensive and has free shipping. Most just load their own drivers through prompts once you plug it into the computer or they come with a disc.


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I believe the OP knows the ActionTec comes with Wifi capabilities and wants to expand the signal strength by adding another router.

I would recommend a dual radio model so that its capable of 2.4ghz & 5.8ghz frequencies simultaneously. If you have/plan on using 802.11g devices, the dual bands (single radio) will drop back down to 2.4ghz to accommodate, which is more susceptible to interference; whereas the dual radios will operate at both frequencies at the same time. Having a mixture of both 802.11g and 802.11n devices operating at 2.4ghz is fine if there's no interference from your neighbors. Dual radios will obviously cost a little more, so you must weigh your budget vs. performance needs. I've been using a Netgear WNDR3700 for about a year now and it's been performing superbly. Good huntin'!
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I use a wireless USB antenna and game on my computer with the Fios router in the next room and it's fine. The only lag I see is server side. If you aren't getting a strong enough signal you're probably better off getting a signal booster instead.

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