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North Jersey
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Interesting article I came across

Psychotropic Fish
Some species of fish produce hallucinogenic substances. U.S. marine biologists discovered the dream fish (Kyphosus fuscus) near the Norfolk Islands in 1960. The indigenous people living there believed that eating the fish caused nightmares. Joe Roberts, a National Geographic photographer, decided to eat some of the cooked meat from the fish. Afterward he reported, "It was pure science fiction." Roberts said that he saw (nonexistent) new car models and monuments to the first journey into space.


BLUEFISH (Kyphosus cinerascens)-Indonesia
BRASSY CHUB (Kyphosus vaigiensis)-Indonesia
CORAL GROUPER (Epinephelus corallicola)-Pacific Ocean
FLATHEAD MULLET (Mugil cephalic)-Tropical and subtropical waters worldwide
GOATFISH (Upeneus arge)-Indonesia
GOLDEN GOATFISH (Mulloidichthys samoensis)-Indonesia
MULLET FISH (Neomyxus chaptali)-Indonesia
RABBITFISH (Saganus oramin)Indonesia, West Africa
SERGEANT MAJOR (Abudefduf septemfasciatus)Pacific Ocean, Africa
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The mullet Mugil cephalos is eaten worldwide...I have eaten it myself. Its sold in loads of NYC fishmarkets...its innards are eaten down south...at least by Andrew Zimmern. Goatfish is sold in lots of fish markets, and is very tasty. Our closest Kyphosis is the Bermuda chub, eaten in Florida and the islands...so I'd love to see some actual chemical analyses of these fish.

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