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Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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Adopt, dont pay for a puppy milled dog. Most of the time theyre sick, or need expensive visits. Id also recommend a health insurance plan, if you start it when theyre a puppy its alot cheaper. We use tru-panion, I think we pay 25 a month no deductible and they cover almost every major emergency issue, even covers 1 foreign body removal if they eat a toy or something tnhey shouldnt.


Experienced Reefer
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Adopt or go to a breeder. Designer breeds are generally not healthy and people unfortunately mix breeds to make quick bucks. Another thing is to ensure you are getting a dog that is health tested.


Advanced Reefer
Miami, FL
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since when? mixed hybrid dogs like a maltipoo he is looking for, as long as its from the right place, are almost always perfect dogs, personality and health wise...

100% incorrect but i wont get into this again. You are breeding for weak traits such as small size and with that comes BAD genetics.
NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, these dogs wouldn't exist 2 seconds with veterinary assistance due to metabolic, congenital and orthopedic problems

right place meaning some backyard breeder or puppy mill, where do you think they ALL come from.
This is going to get beaten like a dead horse im sure but i am way to passionate about this topic to let it go, sorry


Advanced Reefer
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Everyone needs to STOP buying dogs. Go adopt one of 3 million that are being put down today throughout America. All because people buy dogs. Enough is enough of this.

Adoption only give a home to one of these dogs. They will love you the same as if you bought one.

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Heres the problem for me with adoption...... I am used to having my pets from at least 2 week old (with out ever having a problem) and the fact I shouldn't have to tell you where I live at what type of place I live in my PHONE NUMBER .... I just want a puppy..... If they can do that I'm happy ........ Mind you I want the puppy or any pet for that matter to be happy with not to make everybody else happy..... Yeah I hate that fact that 100% of the stores selling puppy come from a mest up puppy mill..... So when I go looking for a puppy now I make sure it's from a person personal litter....

BTW: did you ever get the puppy?? :)

Fix Your Fin Or Get Your Fin Fixed!


Advanced Reefer
Miami, FL
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Heres the problem for me with adoption...... I am used to having my pets from at least 2 week old (with out ever having a problem) and the fact I shouldn't have to tell you where I live at what type of place I live in my PHONE NUMBER .... I just want a puppy..... If they can do that I'm happy ........ Mind you I want the puppy or any pet for that matter to be happy with not to make everybody else happy..... Yeah I hate that fact that 100% of the stores selling puppy come from a mest up puppy mill..... So when I go looking for a puppy now I make sure it's from a person personal litter....

BTW: did you ever get the puppy?? :)

Fix Your Fin Or Get Your Fin Fixed!

How on earth do you have a puppy from 2 weeks of age when it shouldn't be away from its mother for weeks after that?

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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How on earth do you have a puppy from 2 weeks of age when it shouldn't be away from its mother for weeks after that?

Yes DR.
Not to say that's right, but if a puppy is giving to me for whatever reason it may be and I have the right space and I know the care for it, I will be keeping it.....

I'm not gonna sit here and act like I do everything by the books like most of you guys but I can tell you my pets get the best for them while they with me....... Like I said before.

JMO: my problem with adoption is them needing to know all my ....... You guys all know.
I'm not gonna sit hear and explain just to have it picked apart.......
Fix Your Fin Or Get Your Fin Fixed!


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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I really really hate these conversations because everyone is so brain washed with it. There are people in the world that understand the situation, then there are people who are just so thick headed and dont open there eyes. No offense to anyone here, but it goes to everyone in the world. That's just how it is. Even if the truth is told to them, they will just roll their eyes OR, listen and understand the situations wight dogs. Plus, everyone who wants a dog and posts something, the thread gets off track because fights happen. I try to not get involved but I hate reading such incorrect information that is passed.

100% of dogs from pet stores are NOT for puppy mills. In new jersey, and alot of other states are slowly switching to it as well, it's illegal to sell dogs from puppy mills. if fact, if the ASPCA ever went into a pet store, and look at the puppies background papers, and did reaserch and found out it's from a mill, or any other location that involves anything like a mill, they are fined and could potentially be shut down. And when I say pet stores, I do not mean mall pet stores, or those random places that sell dogs and you walk in, hand them money, and you take the dog. I'm talking REAL pet stores that sell legal and healthy dogs. My family has been in the business over 16 years now. All the puppies my mothers store has, has a full background, even phone number and address of the license registered breeders. full up to date shots including parvo, kennel cough, distemper, booster, and 4-6 others. (Not rabies because those are last set of shots and the puppies are too young to get rabies.) been to the vet 3-5 times already for puppy check ups. health guarantee up to 180 days. The nj notification of consumer rights guarantee. If pure breed then pedigree papers, and if pure breed also registration papers akc or aca. They are also microchipped with information to sign up for. Heart guard program. Puppy front line. Eating top of the line food. Cared for individually all day. Lose in the store not locked up in cages all day. Eating real natural bones not crap raw hide or something else. Rules like this, that's what I consist of a real pet store who sell puppies from licensed registered from the state breeders. Not to mentioned once every 2 weeks checked by a company to check all papers are up to date and every dog is certified healthy. Nothing will stop stores selling healthy dogs, because most people do not want to take a chance with rescue or adopt. They want a healthy puppy with a guarantee. That's why my mother is still in business with one of the best rep around because she follows the rules and does everything I mentioned. And, she does not get 10-20 dogs a week. 3-4 at most. This way, it's easy to care for, the are all equally watched and played with, and it's not crazy in the store. AND, in our area, puppies do not sell for thousands of dollars. The most common price of a dog is around $500-650. For instance, had a yorkie last week. You can go out or even online and find them for 100-1400 everywhere, her shop $699. Because no one in our area will ever day that price. Other places are insane.

And for adoption, I understand where everyone comes from with adoption, and I agree, it is great to do. Save a puppy. That's fine. That's great actually. That's better then great. Even though my family is with the store, my dog is a rescue! I got a rescue because the feeling of saving a life was worth it. And my dog turned out fine. A little stupid, but i love him to death. But, it's sad how strict most adoption places are. In jersey, the local adoption places have a bunch of dogs, but do not get rid of any because no one is "satisfied" to have a dog or puppy. They say either your yard or house is too small, your yard is not fenced in, your location is bad with traffic, you live to far into the woods, you work too much, you do not make enough to afford a dog, on and on and on. It's sad. People want to adopt, but they are so strict. I understand it's in good heart trying to make sure the dog goes to a good home, but still. If people want to adopt and are being serious about it, just because little details like your yard not being fenced in or something should not matter. But again your taking a risk with health. Most are ok, but some......

And please, don't tell me I'm wrong. I'm not. I know the game and the law and the rules and the child play with this situation, I worked at the store for 9 years...

I hope you find a puppy and it's healthy and loving, no matter where you get it from. That's a great breed your looking for. And for the most part, it is a very very healthy and careing breed... Good luck
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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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And please, don't tell me I'm wrong. I'm not.

I always adopted my cats! :D

When they ask for your address and phone number, they cross reference that info with a national database to see if you have turned an animal into a kill shelter before. If you have, they deny you a pet. I think that is an amazing idea. Who cares who has your phone and address? Write me a check and i have all that info and your bank account number.

But I'm more a cat person.
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