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north jersey
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hello all,

i've just signed on after a lengthy absence due to some family and health issues. everything turned out fine. everyone is healthy and well.
it's part of life that there are events that have some impacts in one way or another.

sadly to say my reef have had some struggles along with the family issues. but just like my family, it had grown and weathered the storm side by side. it's in a recovery mode.

i have lost many acro colonies to neglect, poor husbandry, and red bugs which i'm not 100% convinced that they've killed those colonies.
even though somethings were lost, many have grown.

i noticed many things have changed/improved. still navigating through some of the added features like regional reef stuff....etc.

i see there are many new vendors and some old ones are gone.

i see many new to me members and fondly see many old ones, many of whom i would call friends.

i missed mr and its members dearly. i missed following tank threads and the going-on's in the mr's family. i missed late night chats with the usual suspects. i missed all the coral and equipment deals in the market place. and yes i even missed the dramas that pop up every now and then.

so a big hello to folks out there...know that you are missed and cherished fondly.

and now back to our scheduled reefing program!!!!

thanks, tom :teeth:


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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it was about time Tom glad to see you are back into the swing of things hope the family issues weren't too severe and all is well now. As for your tank in this hobby you should know by now taking on a reef tank is like taking on another wife lol GL gettin things back in order with your reef ttys


north jersey
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
As I read your post, I can't get the theme song from WELCOME BACK, KOTTER...out of my head!
Glad everythings OK...Just because we all hate to SEE the dentist, doesn't mean we're not happy to 'see' you back!

ummm what show is that?....i'm too young to know anything about mr. kotter.....only old folks would watch a show about some high school teacher and a bunch of delinquents.....so as you see i know nothing about the show nor anything about john travolta. btw i also know nothing about gabe kaplan becoming a commentator for high stakes poker....lol.

thank you alfie....i don't really like to see you professionally either.....i love cars but hate jumping through hoops just to buy one. perhaps it's different with a wholesaler????

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