Cheaper = crappy ride spend a little more now .I got and 01 xj that's my daily driver/beach offroad toy and have had 3 different setup in it ranging from diy setup to a rubicon express/rustys setup. Now its a 2.5 rustys offroad setup that is actually ok to drive on the street and my wife will actually get in it now because its smother(don't know if that's a good or bad thing) and it has more then enough ground clearance . sounds like its going to be your everyday truck so I wouldn't go more the 2.5 anything after that get really uncomfortable on long runs and bumpy roads and then there is the safety issues as well . Rubicon express,skyjacker,and rustys oldman emu and more, all make compete 2.5" kits with dampers from 250-900 and up. Have it installed by someone that knows what they are doing and get it aligned and you should be set. If you look on there has to be some build threads on dailydriver 05 gc's see what they are running and post you ? On there.