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Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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I posted this once b4 and had someone interested if ur still out there pm me please
My green cheek conure Barney needs a new home as my wife has had enough of him !
He comes with a beautiful cage and all other supplies
He never bit me once
Is partially hand trained and his wings r clipped
I would like him to go to someone who either already owns a bird or has in the past would like this to be barneys last home !
Pm me if ur interested and wanna stop buy and check him out!

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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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I'll talk to my mom. Her sun conure passed away just yesterday morning. So upsetting and weird. The bird was great Sunday, but come Monday morning, he sadly passed. Had taco for 16 years... Truly upsetting. I'll tell her about yours...


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
Rating - 100%
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As far as bids go green cheeks r supposedly quiet but they can and do make alot of noise when they r not getting attention ! The r a bit bigger then a parrokeet
Waiting to hear from 2 people

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