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I am moving out of state and would like to sell my fishes and tanks.

Here are what I have as far as fish goes:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif] Red Cap Oranda (7")
Blue Oranda (8")
Gold Oranda (7")
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Calico Ranchu (3" )
2- Black Telescope (7")
Gold Oranda (5.5")
Gold Lionhead (3.5")
Calico Ryukin (4")
Medium Butterfly Pleco (5.5")
Medium Large Butterfly Pleco (6")
Snow Ball Pleco (2.5")

I am asking for $ 400 for all the fishes.

As for fish tank goes, I have:

-30 gallon high all-glass aquarium with hood and new fluorescent lamp sized ( 24" W X 25" H X 12"D)
Asking $ 70

- 28" Marineland bow front aquarium with clear glass canopy top asking $ 70

- Eheim 2213 Classic filter system asking $ 60

- Eheim 2215 Classic filter system asking $ 80

I have to sell all the fishes before I can sell the fish tanks and the filters.
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