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and I put him in my tank
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I am moving back home to texas very soon and with the large number of pets that I am having to accomodate to take with me I am forced to rehome my African Clawed frog and a goldfish.
The frog and goldfish are free to go to seperate homes but if you take them both you will get a 20 gallon long tank with a light (that dosent quite fit the tank) with them.
I believe the frog is a female, I call her "Claymore".
The frog is about 4-5 inches, the goldfish is about the same.

They are free to an experienced home. Please give me a little info on what experience you have and why you would like to add my frog to your animal family.

Thanks :bablefish

you can email me at [email protected] for a faster response.
(It is very likey that I will not be able to take my 6 neon tetras, 2 red eye tetras, and a gold algae eater that i have in a small planted tank with me as well...so if you will be interested in taking them let me know...)


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