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Advanced Reefer
Oakville, CT
Rating - 100%
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I need a new home for 2 great Beagles. I just don't have the time and ability to care for them as well as they should be anymore.

Their names are Daisy (the brown and white) and Goofy. I adopted them with those names. They are both fixed as well.

They are great friendly and energetic dogs. They are 5 years old. I adopted from North Shore in 2007. They are pure bred, I don't have papers though.

They NEVER howl like most beagles do. They want to play with everything that comes near them! Great with kids!

I have their dishes, food, crate and leashes for you. They have never been sick. The only time they go outside is when I walk them.

You can email me if you're interested, [email protected].


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