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Advanced Reefer
Pennsauken nj
Rating - 66.7%
4   2   0
I have to get rid of some things to downsize my apartment.

First is a Veiled Chameleon and her setup. It is the large (3' tall x 18x18 ) reptibreeze terrarium. which is awesome. with a uvb light and a heat lamp on top. comes with branches and vines and plants and everything you need for a full running setup. looking for 150$ for everything and the chameleon.

Also have some female crested geckos that i need to get rid of. no cages for these girls, just the geckos. i can takke pics on request but trust me they are b e a u t i f u l. one is a full leopard, others are harleys.
just need to downsize... $50 each.
still have 2 breeding pairs left. (one of which is for sale... 200$ - proven breeders. with 12x12x18 terrarium)

message or email me at [email protected]

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