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Long shot but figured I would try...

I have a store credit to Modells that I would like to trade for cash. Need to buy something from a brand they don't carry...

Anyway if anyone shops there and wants a 76.20 credit lmk.

PM me please.



Advanced Reefer
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Yea,, if u wanna give ur store credit up for some cash ,, ur Gunna have to take a loss ,, bc the amount of time and gas that people are Gunna take to meet up with u ,, ya know ,, maybe 40-50 bucks value ,, good luck with ur sale ,, or just go buy something ,, sneakers ,, shirts ,,

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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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That's how it goes w/ any kind of store credit people always take a loss. Otherwise what's the incentive to buy it? There isn't any. Why buy a gift card from you and travel at all when they could just use cash at the store?

There's a new company I just saw on TV and it's genius they buy up unwanted gift cards. Best bet is try and sell it in front of modell's or inside the store. Say 60 bucks, someone who is going to shop there anyway would be able to use it and it's worth it to them.

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