5# Green Terrors cichlid 3" $3.00 each.
1# red devil cichlid $3.00
1# jack dempsy $3.00
2# black/tiger oscars 5" $10 for both
Or willing to trade for a 10 gallon tank with light and heater...I want to start a 10g saltwater
and need to brakedown my 55 gallon for other use ...PM me for more info.
Hope this is in the right category
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1# red devil cichlid $3.00
1# jack dempsy $3.00
2# black/tiger oscars 5" $10 for both
Or willing to trade for a 10 gallon tank with light and heater...I want to start a 10g saltwater
Hope this is in the right category
Sent from my iPhone using Reefs