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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Hi guys/gals!

I am looking for a home for my son's Red Ear Slider, since I am having a difficult time keeping up with all the animals in my care.
We have had this slider for about 21 years now, and for the past 11 years he has been my responsibility. He is no longer receiving the care that he should, therefor I am looking for someone else to care for him.
He only has 1 eye, but that does not deter him from getting his food.;)

If I don't know you, or have someone that I know that can vouch for you don't bother to ask for him.

He may be just a turtle, but it is a living animal. And as such I will only giving him to someone that I feel comfortable will care for him properly.


Newbiee 4 Ever
Staten Island
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i have one that is still a baby, about 2"and about 2 years old , I had him since he was born, in the winter he is in a tank inside the house, and in the summer he is outside in my pond. Do you think there would be a problem because of size difference, also what do you feed him?


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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i have one that is still a baby, about 2"and about 2 years old , I had him since he was born, in the winter he is in a tank inside the house, and in the summer he is outside in my pond. Do you think there would be a problem because of size difference, also what do you feed him?

I have no idea if it would be a problem or not, but I don't think I'd take the risk.

Also, in my OP I did state that I need to know you, or that you would/will need someone to vouch for you if I don't know you.;) Hope you understand.

This turtle has been with us for at least 21 years, and I'm not just kicking it to the curve cause we're tired of it.

I need to find it a better home then what I am able to provide it now.
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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OK Trigger! It's just that I have given away other animals with the promise that I would be updated ever so often, and then the peeps have totally disappeared from MR.
Sunny/1 Eye Jack is special to me!!!
He has never lived in a pond, I've been to afraid to put him in one because he only has 1 eye.

My son use to feed him gold fish once in a while. I have been feeding strickly aquatic turtle pellets for the past 11 years since he has been my sole responsibility.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Rich, Trigger's backing you!:) That is enough..

Do you know whether your turtle is male or female? I was told that keeping 2 of the same sex can/is a problem. I guess that while your's is so tiny it wouldn't matter much anyway, especially with Sunny only having 1 eye your little guy will run circles around him.lol It was actually quite funny/sad to watch him hunt down the gold fish. There was 1 gf that lasted for ever cause he kept swimming on the side that Sunny's eye is missing.

Please understand that Sunny is special, and should you be the one to take him if you ever change your mind about keeping him you have to bring him back to me. Or at least give me the opportunity to go, and retrieve him.
Yeah, I'm attached to the silly turtle...;(


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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182   0   0
Sonny has found his new home!

Mod's you can close thread!

Mod that transfered my thread here; could you please answer my previous question!;) You can send me PM if you prefer. I just would like to know.:)

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