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Trading yankee tix for equipment or livestock/wed 8/18

have some tix to upcoming yank games i cant use thought i would first try to trade.

wed aug 18th 2 tix (705) start tigers( damon returns)
Mon sept 6 2 tix (105 start) oriles
Mon sept 20 th 2 tix 705 start against first place rays
thur sept 23 2 tix 705 start against first place rays
Mets fri sept 10th vs phillies section 140
all tix section 421 up high but right behind the plate and if you have tried to get yank tix this year you know how difficult it is to get reasonable priced tix want to trade before i sell, lights, livestock,sump get first prefernce will not spit pairs but will include money if you only want one pair or have something expensive. im in fresh meadows can meet anywhere in queens. leaving early this sat for a few days so have to do red sox tickets before sat afternoon
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