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I have for sale my multis colony. Reason: no more tank says my other half:) and I'd like to start a reef. Multis are great little fish and very entertaining. They can dig and move a hell lot of substrate so forget about scaping:).
I'd like to sell the whole setup, but if you'd like just fish, that would be good too.
If you'd like the whole setup, you'll get:

-AGA 15g Long tank
-Eheim 2213 with media and all plumbing:)
-Light 24" Coralife T5 unit with two bulbs used for 5 months
-substrate is white pool filter sand, great for digging:)
-some coral rocks that I personally collected on Florida Keys' beaches (keep the pH at 8.0
-shells for multis (there are at least 10 of them)

Please note that mp10 is not for sale, it waits for saltwater:)

As for multis, there are 6 adult fish, happy and healthy.Very hardy, too and eat everything you throw at them:). I make one 30% weekly water change in that tank. One of my multis has only one eye (that's how I bought it) but he is not sick or whatsoever. There are at least two males and they are prolific child-makers:) There are also three juvies (maybe more hiding in the shells) and I'll let you have three assassin snails from this tank also. I have some BBA (black beard algae) problem so the plants are covered in it, just need a little bit scrubbing here and there.

Price is $150 OBO and I can deliver it to you if you live nearby. I am located in Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn.
If you'd like the fish only, I can sell it to you for $30.







Please PM me for more details. Thank you for looking
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