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Ive been trying to tell myself that keeping him wouldnt be selfish, since I REALLY DONT want to rehome him, but I just dont have the time to give him the care he really needs, I get home after he falls asleep, and leave before he wakes up, plus he can never get out time because of my other animals, and he doesnt get the right diet bc my mom often forgets to give him/get him crickets, and I cant even look at them, much less touch or go near them, to feed him. so... I need to find a new home for Sid, my estimated 2.5yr old male bearded dragon.

a little about beaded dragon:
-they're very calm lizards that are great pets for kids, and a perfect first lizard. a bit more expensive than say, a leopard gecko, but IME MUCH better about letting their people handle them. they have distinct personalities and are interactive as a reptile can be, as well as seem to recognize their people and be able to tell the difference between them and stangers.

Sid fits that desciption pretty well, and though I'd never recommend or condone breeding him (he has no genetic background whatsoever), he'd make a great pet for any kid old enough to realize that he isnt a toy. Im fourteen, had him since I was 12, so he's certaintly comfortable with kids. He is mostly yellow and lavender, some traces of bright and rust red, as well as some green in his spine, I'd call him something like a yellow/ lavender tiger morph, though bc I dont have any of his genetic info, I dont really know his color morph. hes about 20-22" long from nose to tailtip (a good, solid size for a male bearded dragon of his age), and a healthy weight, though brumation has thinned him down a bit.

Im selling him, his cage (a 40BR, 36" by 18" by 16"), the ceramic tiles that line it, his den, water bowl, some pieces of wood that he usually sleeps on, all his lights and their fixtures (2 ceramic heat emitters, a crappy incandesent bulb, and an MVB bulb, plus the three ceramic dome lamps and one plastic dome lamps that I have the bulbs in) and a screen top for his cage. will also be giving his new owner a caresheet from beardeddragon.com forums, and any of his food/vitamin or calcium power I have, all for $250, new everything would be well over 400, closer to 500, and he himself would probably get a solid $100-150 in any petstore. located in brooklyn, PM me if interested!
his cage as it was setup awhile ago:

and him:


showing his red highlights on his face, have gotten brighter as he aged:

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