I cannot keep these awesome lizards any more. Now you can have them for free. If you want to make a donation, I would appreciate it. You are getting the entire set-up...lights, filter for their water, tank and mesh top, etc. I just want them to go to an animal lover's home. They are very healthy, very personable, and human-friendly. You have to come and pick them up, the tank is large, you're going to need a car. There is only one catch.
If you take them you CANNOT flip them. I have had them for a long time and they are a mated pair. DON'T sell them, keep them as pets. They are great for and with kids, so if you are a teacher or a parent, this is a cool gift for the kids.
********Cats not included, but I have some of those for adoption too
Pick up is in 11101. PM me if you have questions, I will be more than happy to answer.
If you take them you CANNOT flip them. I have had them for a long time and they are a mated pair. DON'T sell them, keep them as pets. They are great for and with kids, so if you are a teacher or a parent, this is a cool gift for the kids.
********Cats not included, but I have some of those for adoption too

Pick up is in 11101. PM me if you have questions, I will be more than happy to answer.