What I have up for Sale or Trade are the following sneakers. The prices are firm and the condition of the sneakers are gonna be stated. I never put on these sneakers, only to try them on to assure that they fit. Im selling these cause I have to many sneakers and I need to get rid of some... If your offering a trade it must be in working order and I only need REEF EQUIPMENT ONLY...
1. Nike Air Half Cent Penny'S (Size 9- Limited Collector's Edition) $150.00 (NEW)
2. Air Jordans True Flight (SIZE 9- DENVER NUGGETS COLORS) $70.00 (NEW)
3. Air Jordans Fusion 4's (SIZE 9) $70.00 (NEW)
4. Air Jordans Dub Zero's (SIZE 9) $70.00 (NEW)
5. Air Jordans xx3 23 Low Woman's (SIZE 5) $50.00 (NEW)
6. Air Jordans Airforce 9 (SIZE 9) $40.00 (GENTLY USED)
1. Nike Air Half Cent Penny'S (Size 9- Limited Collector's Edition) $150.00 (NEW)
2. Air Jordans True Flight (SIZE 9- DENVER NUGGETS COLORS) $70.00 (NEW)
3. Air Jordans Fusion 4's (SIZE 9) $70.00 (NEW)
4. Air Jordans Dub Zero's (SIZE 9) $70.00 (NEW)
5. Air Jordans xx3 23 Low Woman's (SIZE 5) $50.00 (NEW)
6. Air Jordans Airforce 9 (SIZE 9) $40.00 (GENTLY USED)
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