2 mated adult CWDs- 1 male, 1 female- includes full set-up - 75g glass tank with water reservoir, bedding, screen top,water pump and filter for their pond, and all the trimmings- also repti-cure for when they hit their snout on the glass (the male has some damage to his snout, but it is being treated and easy to take care of), and pellet food (although they prefer crickets, this will supplement their diet). These guys are beauties, but we are moving soon and won't be able to maintain them. $200 firm, cash or cash/coral trade. PM me if interested. Located in L.I.C. Queens, you have to come and pick them up.
Oh, as per my wife- cats and hamsters are NOT included, just got in the pics!!!

Oh, as per my wife- cats and hamsters are NOT included, just got in the pics!!!