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i got a cleaner shrimps ~ 2" and some of peppermints ranging from 1-1.5" the peppermints may be tough to catch. they only come out at night and they run away. not like the skunk cleaner....that one will clean my hand. here is an old pic. might not be the exact pic, i had a few but i think there's only one left now they all look alike. i also got coral banded shrimps.willing to trade for peppermint shrimp and scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp...both for everything....
yes i want to trade. can we meet some where in manhattan or queens i'm not familiar with brooklyn. i'll be picking up corals in mahattan 68 and park this tues. around 2-3 pm. if that works for you. usually i'm available tues. fri. and sun.(except this sun. and next week end-- july 4th) most of the day and mon. and wed. nights after 7 pm. lmk.im interested in trading though.... let me know...