inkblue Rice Planter Manhattan Reefs Location Philippines Rating - 98.6% 145 2 0 Aug 28, 2008 #1 I got tiCkets for Giants fans for tonite's game at 7pm they company seaTs, and they are free iF you are a nice MR member PM me
I got tiCkets for Giants fans for tonite's game at 7pm they company seaTs, and they are free iF you are a nice MR member PM me
M masterswimmer Old School Reefer Vendor Manhattan Reefs Location NY Rating - 99.6% 450 2 0 Aug 28, 2008 #2 wow, someone is going to be a lucky fan! Nice gesture Ink. R
K Killerdrgn Advanced Reefer Location Park Ridge, NJ Rating - 100% 22 0 0 Aug 28, 2008 #3 is this for the final preseason game? I went to the patriots giants last year and it was fairly boring. Watched the Giants defense suck before they made their big changes.
is this for the final preseason game? I went to the patriots giants last year and it was fairly boring. Watched the Giants defense suck before they made their big changes.
inkblue Rice Planter Manhattan Reefs Location Philippines Rating - 98.6% 145 2 0 Aug 28, 2008 #4 Sorry tickets are gone they were worth $100 each. tHey are client seatS that dont get used up, so employeeS get them.
Sorry tickets are gone they were worth $100 each. tHey are client seatS that dont get used up, so employeeS get them.